
DASH Downtown D

LADOT DASH Downtown D schedules on Friday, 07 February traveling by bus

Heading to:

How to get the best from your bus ticket on DASH Downtown D?

LADOT operates DASH Downtown D at California, CA.

This bus line present 190 locations to be ride to and from.

Offering departs or arrivals dailly, those 190 points are called OLD:1748-1, OLD:2202-1, OLD:2203-1, OLD:1840-1, OLD:2277-1, OLD:2278-1, OLD:1902-1, OLD:2352-1, OLD:2353-1, OLD:1977-1, OLD:2427-1, OLD:2428-1, OLD:2052-1, OLD:2502-1, OLD:2503-1, OLD:2127-1, OLD:2577-1, OLD:2578-1, OLD:1749-1, OLD:1841-1, OLD:1903-1, OLD:1978-1, OLD:2053-1, OLD:2128-1, OLD:2204-1, OLD:2279-1, OLD:2354-1, OLD:2429-1, OLD:2504-1, OLD:2579-1, OLD:1750-1, OLD:1842-1, OLD:1904-1, OLD:1979-1, OLD:2054-1, OLD:2129-1, OLD:2205-1, OLD:2280-1, OLD:2355-1, OLD:2649-1, OLD:2430-1, OLD:2505-1, OLD:2580-1, OLD:1751-1, OLD:2704-1, OLD:1905-1, OLD:1980-1, OLD:2744-1, OLD:2055-1, OLD:2759-1, OLD:2130-1, OLD:2206-1, OLD:2281-1, OLD:2629-1, OLD:2634-1, OLD:2356-1, OLD:2431-1, OLD:2664-1, OLD:2506-1, OLD:2581-1, OLD:1752-1, OLD:2694-1, OLD:1844-1, OLD:1906-1, OLD:2729-1, OLD:1981-1, OLD:2056-1, OLD:2131-1, OLD:2774-1, OLD:2207-1, OLD:2789-1, OLD:2282-1, OLD:2357-1, OLD:2432-1, OLD:2507-1, OLD:2582-1, OLD:2684-1, OLD:1753-1, OLD:1845-1, OLD:2709-1, OLD:1907-1, OLD:1982-1, OLD:2057-1, OLD:2132-1, OLD:2208-1, OLD:2283-1, OLD:2358-1, OLD:2433-1, OLD:2508-1, OLD:2669-1, OLD:2583-1, OLD:1846-1, OLD:1908-1, OLD:1983-1, OLD:2749-1, OLD:2058-1, OLD:2779-1, OLD:2209-1, OLD:2284-1, OLD:2359-1, OLD:2434-1, OLD:2654-1, OLD:2509-1, OLD:2584-1, OLD:1847-1, OLD:1909-1, OLD:1984-1, OLD:2059-1, OLD:2210-1, OLD:2285-1, OLD:2360-1, OLD:2639-1, OLD:2435-1, OLD:2510-1, OLD:2585-1, OLD:1848-1, OLD:2714-1, OLD:1910-1, OLD:2734-1, OLD:1985-1, OLD:2060-1, OLD:2211-1, OLD:2794-1, OLD:2286-1, OLD:2361-1, OLD:2436-1, OLD:2511-1, OLD:2674-1, OLD:2133-1, OLD:2586-1, OLD:2689-1, OLD:1849-1, OLD:1911-1, OLD:1986-1, OLD:2061-1, OLD:2764-1, OLD:2134-1, OLD:2784-1, OLD:2212-1, OLD:2287-1, OLD:2362-1, OLD:2437-1, OLD:2512-1, OLD:2587-1, OLD:1755-1, OLD:1850-1, OLD:1912-1, OLD:2739-1, OLD:1987-1, OLD:2754-1, OLD:2062-1, OLD:2135-1, OLD:2213-1, OLD:2288-1, OLD:2363-1, OLD:2644-1, OLD:2438-1, OLD:2659-1, OLD:2513-1, OLD:2588-1, OLD:1756-1, OLD:2699-1, OLD:1851-1, OLD:2719-1, OLD:1913-1, OLD:1988-1, OLD:2063-1, OLD:2769-1, OLD:2136-1, OLD:2214-1, OLD:2799-1, OLD:2289-1, OLD:2364-1, OLD:2439-1, OLD:2514-1, OLD:2679-1, OLD:2589-1, OLD:1757-1, OLD:1852-1, OLD:1914-1, OLD:1989-1, OLD:2064-1, OLD:2137-1, OLD:2215-1, OLD:2290-1, OLD:2365-1, OLD:2515-1, OLD:1915-1, OLD:2138-1, OLD:2366-1.

LADOT provides a total of 190 bus schedules every day.

Normally, count on 1330 bus departures every week on DASH Downtown D.

Get more informations about LADOT here.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1748-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1748-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Patsaouras Transit Plaza

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1748-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1748-1 is at 5:50 AM boarding at Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:50 AM and will arrive on OLD:1748-1 at 6:16 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1748-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1748-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1748-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1748-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2202-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2202-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Hill & 12th

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2202-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2202-1 is at 5:50 AM boarding at Hill & 12th.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:50 AM and will arrive on OLD:2202-1 at 5:54 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2202-1?

The bus traveling length is around 4m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2202-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2202-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2202-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2203-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2203-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2203-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2203-1 is at 5:54 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:54 AM and will arrive on OLD:2203-1 at 6:46 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2203-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2203-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2203-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2203-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1840-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1840-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Patsaouras Transit Plaza

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1840-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1840-1 is at 5:55 AM boarding at Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:55 AM and will arrive on OLD:1840-1 at 6:21 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1840-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1840-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1840-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1840-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2277-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2277-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Hill & 12th

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2277-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2277-1 is at 5:55 AM boarding at Hill & 12th.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:55 AM and will arrive on OLD:2277-1 at 5:59 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2277-1?

The bus traveling length is around 4m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2277-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2277-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2277-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2278-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2278-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2278-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2278-1 is at 5:59 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:59 AM and will arrive on OLD:2278-1 at 6:51 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2278-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2278-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2278-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2278-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1902-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1902-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Patsaouras Transit Plaza

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1902-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1902-1 is at 6:00 AM boarding at Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:00 AM and will arrive on OLD:1902-1 at 6:26 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1902-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1902-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1902-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1902-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2352-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2352-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Hill & 12th

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2352-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2352-1 is at 6:00 AM boarding at Hill & 12th.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:00 AM and will arrive on OLD:2352-1 at 6:04 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2352-1?

The bus traveling length is around 4m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2352-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2352-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2352-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2353-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2353-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2353-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2353-1 is at 6:04 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:04 AM and will arrive on OLD:2353-1 at 6:56 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2353-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2353-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2353-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2353-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1977-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1977-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Patsaouras Transit Plaza

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1977-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1977-1 is at 6:05 AM boarding at Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:05 AM and will arrive on OLD:1977-1 at 6:31 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1977-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1977-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1977-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1977-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2427-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2427-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Hill & 12th

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2427-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2427-1 is at 6:05 AM boarding at Hill & 12th.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:05 AM and will arrive on OLD:2427-1 at 6:09 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2427-1?

The bus traveling length is around 4m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2427-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2427-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2427-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2428-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2428-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2428-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2428-1 is at 6:09 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:09 AM and will arrive on OLD:2428-1 at 7:01 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2428-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2428-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2428-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2428-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2052-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2052-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Patsaouras Transit Plaza

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2052-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2052-1 is at 6:10 AM boarding at Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:10 AM and will arrive on OLD:2052-1 at 6:36 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2052-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2052-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2052-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2052-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2502-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2502-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Hill & 12th

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2502-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2502-1 is at 6:10 AM boarding at Hill & 12th.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:10 AM and will arrive on OLD:2502-1 at 6:14 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2502-1?

The bus traveling length is around 4m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2502-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2502-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2502-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2503-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2503-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2503-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2503-1 is at 6:14 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:14 AM and will arrive on OLD:2503-1 at 7:06 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2503-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2503-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2503-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2503-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2127-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2127-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Patsaouras Transit Plaza

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2127-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2127-1 is at 6:15 AM boarding at Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:15 AM and will arrive on OLD:2127-1 at 6:41 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2127-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2127-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2127-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2127-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2577-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2577-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Hill & 12th

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2577-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2577-1 is at 6:15 AM boarding at Hill & 12th.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:15 AM and will arrive on OLD:2577-1 at 6:19 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2577-1?

The bus traveling length is around 4m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2577-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2577-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2577-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2578-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2578-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2578-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2578-1 is at 6:19 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:19 AM and will arrive on OLD:2578-1 at 7:11 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2578-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2578-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2578-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2578-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1749-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1749-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1749-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1749-1 is at 6:24 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:24 AM and will arrive on OLD:1749-1 at 7:16 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1749-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1749-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1749-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1749-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1841-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1841-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1841-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1841-1 is at 6:29 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:29 AM and will arrive on OLD:1841-1 at 7:21 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1841-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1841-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1841-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1841-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1903-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1903-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1903-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1903-1 is at 6:34 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:34 AM and will arrive on OLD:1903-1 at 7:26 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1903-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1903-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1903-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1903-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1978-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1978-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1978-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1978-1 is at 6:39 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:39 AM and will arrive on OLD:1978-1 at 7:31 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1978-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1978-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1978-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1978-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2053-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2053-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2053-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2053-1 is at 6:44 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:44 AM and will arrive on OLD:2053-1 at 7:36 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2053-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2053-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2053-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2053-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2128-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2128-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2128-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2128-1 is at 6:49 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:49 AM and will arrive on OLD:2128-1 at 7:41 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2128-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2128-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2128-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2128-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2204-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2204-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2204-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2204-1 is at 6:54 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:54 AM and will arrive on OLD:2204-1 at 7:46 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2204-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2204-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2204-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2204-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2279-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2279-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2279-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2279-1 is at 6:59 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:59 AM and will arrive on OLD:2279-1 at 7:51 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2279-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2279-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2279-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2279-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2354-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2354-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2354-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2354-1 is at 7:04 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 7:04 AM and will arrive on OLD:2354-1 at 7:56 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2354-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2354-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2354-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2354-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2429-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2429-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2429-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2429-1 is at 7:09 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 7:09 AM and will arrive on OLD:2429-1 at 8:01 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2429-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2429-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2429-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2429-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2504-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2504-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2504-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2504-1 is at 7:14 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 7:14 AM and will arrive on OLD:2504-1 at 8:06 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2504-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2504-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2504-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2504-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2579-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2579-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2579-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2579-1 is at 7:19 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 7:19 AM and will arrive on OLD:2579-1 at 8:11 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2579-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2579-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2579-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2579-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1750-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1750-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1750-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1750-1 is at 7:24 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 7:24 AM and will arrive on OLD:1750-1 at 8:16 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1750-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1750-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1750-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1750-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1842-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1842-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1842-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1842-1 is at 7:29 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 7:29 AM and will arrive on OLD:1842-1 at 8:21 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1842-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1842-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1842-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1842-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1904-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1904-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1904-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1904-1 is at 7:34 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 7:34 AM and will arrive on OLD:1904-1 at 8:07 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1904-1?

The bus traveling length is around 33m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1904-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1904-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1904-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1979-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1979-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1979-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1979-1 is at 7:39 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 7:39 AM and will arrive on OLD:1979-1 at 8:31 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1979-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1979-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1979-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1979-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2054-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2054-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2054-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2054-1 is at 7:44 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 7:44 AM and will arrive on OLD:2054-1 at 8:36 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2054-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2054-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2054-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2054-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2129-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2129-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2129-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2129-1 is at 7:49 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 7:49 AM and will arrive on OLD:2129-1 at 8:41 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2129-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2129-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2129-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2129-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2205-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2205-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2205-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2205-1 is at 7:54 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 7:54 AM and will arrive on OLD:2205-1 at 8:27 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2205-1?

The bus traveling length is around 33m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2205-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2205-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2205-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2280-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2280-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2280-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2280-1 is at 7:59 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 7:59 AM and will arrive on OLD:2280-1 at 8:51 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2280-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2280-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2280-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2280-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2355-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2355-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2355-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2355-1 is at 8:04 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 8:04 AM and will arrive on OLD:2355-1 at 8:39 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2355-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2355-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2355-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2355-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2649-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2649-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2649-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2649-1 is at 8:07 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 8:07 AM and will arrive on OLD:2649-1 at 8:31 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2649-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2649-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2649-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2649-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2430-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2430-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2430-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2430-1 is at 8:09 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 8:09 AM and will arrive on OLD:2430-1 at 8:44 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2430-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2430-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2430-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2430-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2505-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2505-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2505-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2505-1 is at 8:14 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 8:14 AM and will arrive on OLD:2505-1 at 9:06 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2505-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2505-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2505-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2505-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2580-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2580-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2580-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2580-1 is at 8:19 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 8:19 AM and will arrive on OLD:2580-1 at 9:11 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2580-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2580-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2580-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2580-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1751-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1751-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1751-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1751-1 is at 8:24 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 8:24 AM and will arrive on OLD:1751-1 at 8:59 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1751-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1751-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1751-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1751-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2704-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2704-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2704-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2704-1 is at 8:27 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 8:27 AM and will arrive on OLD:2704-1 at 8:51 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2704-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2704-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2704-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2704-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1905-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1905-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1905-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1905-1 is at 8:34 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 8:34 AM and will arrive on OLD:1905-1 at 9:26 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1905-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1905-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1905-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1905-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1980-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1980-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1980-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1980-1 is at 8:39 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 8:39 AM and will arrive on OLD:1980-1 at 9:12 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1980-1?

The bus traveling length is around 33m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1980-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1980-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1980-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2744-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2744-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2744-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2744-1 is at 8:39 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 8:39 AM and will arrive on OLD:2744-1 at 9:03 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2744-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2744-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2744-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2744-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2055-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2055-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2055-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2055-1 is at 8:44 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 8:44 AM and will arrive on OLD:2055-1 at 9:36 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2055-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2055-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2055-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2055-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2759-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2759-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2759-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2759-1 is at 8:44 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 8:44 AM and will arrive on OLD:2759-1 at 9:08 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2759-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2759-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2759-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2759-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2130-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2130-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2130-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2130-1 is at 8:49 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 8:49 AM and will arrive on OLD:2130-1 at 9:24 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2130-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2130-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2130-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2130-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2206-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2206-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2206-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2206-1 is at 8:54 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 8:54 AM and will arrive on OLD:2206-1 at 9:46 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2206-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2206-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2206-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2206-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2281-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2281-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2281-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2281-1 is at 8:59 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 8:59 AM and will arrive on OLD:2281-1 at 9:34 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2281-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2281-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2281-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2281-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2629-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2629-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2629-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2629-1 is at 8:59 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 8:59 AM and will arrive on OLD:2629-1 at 9:23 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2629-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2629-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2629-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2629-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2634-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2634-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2634-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2634-1 is at 9:02 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:02 AM and will arrive on OLD:2634-1 at 9:26 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2634-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2634-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2634-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2634-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2356-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2356-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2356-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2356-1 is at 9:04 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:04 AM and will arrive on OLD:2356-1 at 9:56 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2356-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2356-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2356-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2356-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2431-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2431-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2431-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2431-1 is at 9:09 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:09 AM and will arrive on OLD:2431-1 at 10:01 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2431-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2431-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2431-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2431-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2664-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2664-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2664-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2664-1 is at 9:12 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:12 AM and will arrive on OLD:2664-1 at 9:36 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2664-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2664-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2664-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2664-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2506-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2506-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2506-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2506-1 is at 9:14 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 9:14 AM and will arrive on OLD:2506-1 at 9:49 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2506-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2506-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2506-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2506-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2581-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2581-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2581-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2581-1 is at 9:19 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 9:19 AM and will arrive on OLD:2581-1 at 9:54 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2581-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2581-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2581-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2581-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1752-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1752-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1752-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1752-1 is at 9:24 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:24 AM and will arrive on OLD:1752-1 at 10:16 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1752-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1752-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1752-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1752-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2694-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2694-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2694-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2694-1 is at 9:24 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:24 AM and will arrive on OLD:2694-1 at 9:48 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2694-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2694-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2694-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2694-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1844-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1844-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1844-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1844-1 is at 9:29 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:29 AM and will arrive on OLD:1844-1 at 10:21 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1844-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1844-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1844-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1844-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1906-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1906-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1906-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1906-1 is at 9:34 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:34 AM and will arrive on OLD:1906-1 at 10:26 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1906-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1906-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1906-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1906-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2729-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2729-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2729-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2729-1 is at 9:34 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:34 AM and will arrive on OLD:2729-1 at 9:58 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2729-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2729-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2729-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2729-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1981-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1981-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1981-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1981-1 is at 9:39 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:39 AM and will arrive on OLD:1981-1 at 10:31 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1981-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1981-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1981-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1981-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2056-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2056-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2056-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2056-1 is at 9:44 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 9:44 AM and will arrive on OLD:2056-1 at 10:19 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2056-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2056-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2056-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2056-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2131-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2131-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2131-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2131-1 is at 9:49 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:49 AM and will arrive on OLD:2131-1 at 10:41 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2131-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2131-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2131-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2131-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2774-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2774-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2774-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2774-1 is at 9:49 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:49 AM and will arrive on OLD:2774-1 at 10:13 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2774-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2774-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2774-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2774-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2207-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2207-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2207-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2207-1 is at 9:54 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 9:54 AM and will arrive on OLD:2207-1 at 10:29 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2207-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2207-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2207-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2207-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2789-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2789-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2789-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2789-1 is at 9:54 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:54 AM and will arrive on OLD:2789-1 at 10:18 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2789-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2789-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2789-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2789-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2282-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2282-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2282-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2282-1 is at 9:59 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 9:59 AM and will arrive on OLD:2282-1 at 10:51 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2282-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2282-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2282-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2282-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2357-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2357-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2357-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2357-1 is at 10:04 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 10:04 AM and will arrive on OLD:2357-1 at 10:56 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2357-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2357-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2357-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2357-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2432-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2432-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2432-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2432-1 is at 10:09 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 10:09 AM and will arrive on OLD:2432-1 at 11:08 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2432-1?

The bus traveling length is around 59m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2432-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2432-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2432-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2507-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2507-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2507-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2507-1 is at 10:14 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 10:14 AM and will arrive on OLD:2507-1 at 11:06 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2507-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2507-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2507-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2507-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2582-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2582-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2582-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2582-1 is at 10:19 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 10:19 AM and will arrive on OLD:2582-1 at 11:11 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2582-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2582-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2582-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2582-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2684-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2684-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2684-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2684-1 is at 10:19 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 10:19 AM and will arrive on OLD:2684-1 at 10:43 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2684-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2684-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2684-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2684-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1753-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1753-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1753-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1753-1 is at 10:24 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Patsaouras Transit Plaza at 10:24 AM and will arrive on OLD:1753-1 at 10:50 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1753-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1753-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1753-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1753-1 Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1845-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1845-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1845-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1845-1 is at 10:29 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 10:29 AM and will arrive on OLD:1845-1 at 11:21 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1845-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1845-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1845-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1845-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2709-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2709-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2709-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2709-1 is at 10:29 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 10:29 AM and will arrive on OLD:2709-1 at 10:53 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2709-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2709-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2709-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2709-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1907-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1907-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1907-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1907-1 is at 10:34 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 10:34 AM and will arrive on OLD:1907-1 at 11:26 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1907-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1907-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1907-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1907-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1982-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1982-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1982-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1982-1 is at 10:39 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 10:39 AM and will arrive on OLD:1982-1 at 11:14 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1982-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1982-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1982-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1982-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2057-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2057-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2057-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2057-1 is at 10:44 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 10:44 AM and will arrive on OLD:2057-1 at 11:36 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2057-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2057-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2057-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2057-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2132-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2132-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2132-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2132-1 is at 10:49 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Patsaouras Transit Plaza at 10:49 AM and will arrive on OLD:2132-1 at 11:15 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2132-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2132-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2132-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2132-1 Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2208-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2208-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2208-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2208-1 is at 10:54 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 10:54 AM and will arrive on OLD:2208-1 at 11:46 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2208-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2208-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2208-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2208-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2283-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2283-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2283-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2283-1 is at 10:59 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 10:59 AM and will arrive on OLD:2283-1 at 11:51 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2283-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2283-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2283-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2283-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2358-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2358-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2358-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2358-1 is at 11:04 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 11:04 AM and will arrive on OLD:2358-1 at 11:39 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2358-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2358-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2358-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2358-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2433-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2433-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2433-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2433-1 is at 11:09 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 11:09 AM and will arrive on OLD:2433-1 at 12:01 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2433-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2433-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2433-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2433-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2508-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2508-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2508-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2508-1 is at 11:14 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 11:14 AM and will arrive on OLD:2508-1 at 11:49 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2508-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2508-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2508-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2508-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2669-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2669-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2669-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2669-1 is at 11:14 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 11:14 AM and will arrive on OLD:2669-1 at 11:38 AM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2669-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2669-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2669-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2669-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2583-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2583-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2583-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2583-1 is at 11:19 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 11:19 AM and will arrive on OLD:2583-1 at 12:11 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2583-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2583-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2583-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2583-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1846-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1846-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1846-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1846-1 is at 11:29 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 11:29 AM and will arrive on OLD:1846-1 at 12:21 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1846-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1846-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1846-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1846-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1908-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1908-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1908-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1908-1 is at 11:34 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 11:34 AM and will arrive on OLD:1908-1 at 12:09 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1908-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1908-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1908-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1908-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1983-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1983-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1983-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1983-1 is at 11:39 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 11:39 AM and will arrive on OLD:1983-1 at 12:31 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1983-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1983-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1983-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1983-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2749-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2749-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2749-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2749-1 is at 11:39 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 11:39 AM and will arrive on OLD:2749-1 at 12:03 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2749-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2749-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2749-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2749-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2058-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2058-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2058-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2058-1 is at 11:44 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 11:44 AM and will arrive on OLD:2058-1 at 12:36 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2058-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2058-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2058-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2058-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2779-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2779-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2779-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2779-1 is at 11:49 AM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 11:49 AM and will arrive on OLD:2779-1 at 12:13 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2779-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2779-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2779-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2779-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2209-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2209-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2209-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2209-1 is at 11:54 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 11:54 AM and will arrive on OLD:2209-1 at 12:46 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2209-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2209-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2209-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2209-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2284-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2284-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2284-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2284-1 is at 11:59 AM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 11:59 AM and will arrive on OLD:2284-1 at 12:51 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2284-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2284-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2284-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2284-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2359-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2359-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2359-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2359-1 is at 12:04 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 12:04 PM and will arrive on OLD:2359-1 at 12:56 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2359-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2359-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2359-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2359-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2434-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2434-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2434-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2434-1 is at 12:09 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 12:09 PM and will arrive on OLD:2434-1 at 1:01 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2434-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2434-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2434-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2434-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2654-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2654-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2654-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2654-1 is at 12:09 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 12:09 PM and will arrive on OLD:2654-1 at 12:33 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2654-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2654-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2654-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2654-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2509-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2509-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2509-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2509-1 is at 12:14 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 12:14 PM and will arrive on OLD:2509-1 at 1:06 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2509-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2509-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2509-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2509-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2584-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2584-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2584-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2584-1 is at 12:19 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 12:19 PM and will arrive on OLD:2584-1 at 1:11 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2584-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2584-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2584-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2584-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1847-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1847-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1847-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1847-1 is at 12:29 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 12:29 PM and will arrive on OLD:1847-1 at 1:04 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1847-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1847-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1847-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1847-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1909-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1909-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1909-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1909-1 is at 12:34 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 12:34 PM and will arrive on OLD:1909-1 at 1:26 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1909-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1909-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1909-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1909-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1984-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1984-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1984-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1984-1 is at 12:39 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 12:39 PM and will arrive on OLD:1984-1 at 1:31 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1984-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1984-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1984-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1984-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2059-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2059-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2059-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2059-1 is at 12:44 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 12:44 PM and will arrive on OLD:2059-1 at 1:36 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2059-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2059-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2059-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2059-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2210-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2210-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2210-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2210-1 is at 12:54 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 12:54 PM and will arrive on OLD:2210-1 at 1:29 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2210-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2210-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2210-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2210-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2285-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2285-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2285-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2285-1 is at 12:59 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 12:59 PM and will arrive on OLD:2285-1 at 1:34 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2285-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2285-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2285-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2285-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2360-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2360-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2360-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2360-1 is at 1:04 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 1:04 PM and will arrive on OLD:2360-1 at 1:56 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2360-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2360-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2360-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2360-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2639-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2639-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2639-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2639-1 is at 1:04 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 1:04 PM and will arrive on OLD:2639-1 at 1:28 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2639-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2639-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2639-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2639-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2435-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2435-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2435-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2435-1 is at 1:09 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 1:09 PM and will arrive on OLD:2435-1 at 2:01 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2435-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2435-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2435-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2435-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2510-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2510-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2510-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2510-1 is at 1:14 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 1:14 PM and will arrive on OLD:2510-1 at 2:06 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2510-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2510-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2510-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2510-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2585-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2585-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2585-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2585-1 is at 1:19 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 1:19 PM and will arrive on OLD:2585-1 at 1:54 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2585-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2585-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2585-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2585-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1848-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1848-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1848-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1848-1 is at 1:29 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 1:29 PM and will arrive on OLD:1848-1 at 2:21 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1848-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1848-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1848-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1848-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2714-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2714-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2714-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2714-1 is at 1:29 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 1:29 PM and will arrive on OLD:2714-1 at 1:53 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2714-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2714-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2714-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2714-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1910-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1910-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1910-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1910-1 is at 1:34 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 1:34 PM and will arrive on OLD:1910-1 at 2:26 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1910-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1910-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1910-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1910-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2734-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2734-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2734-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2734-1 is at 1:34 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 1:34 PM and will arrive on OLD:2734-1 at 1:58 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2734-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2734-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2734-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2734-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1985-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1985-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1985-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1985-1 is at 1:39 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 1:39 PM and will arrive on OLD:1985-1 at 2:14 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1985-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1985-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1985-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1985-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2060-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2060-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2060-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2060-1 is at 1:44 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 1:44 PM and will arrive on OLD:2060-1 at 2:19 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2060-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2060-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2060-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2060-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2211-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2211-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2211-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2211-1 is at 1:54 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 1:54 PM and will arrive on OLD:2211-1 at 2:46 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2211-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2211-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2211-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2211-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2794-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2794-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2794-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2794-1 is at 1:54 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 1:54 PM and will arrive on OLD:2794-1 at 2:18 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2794-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2794-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2794-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2794-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2286-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2286-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2286-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2286-1 is at 1:59 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 1:59 PM and will arrive on OLD:2286-1 at 2:51 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2286-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2286-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2286-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2286-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2361-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2361-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2361-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2361-1 is at 2:04 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 2:04 PM and will arrive on OLD:2361-1 at 2:56 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2361-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2361-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2361-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2361-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2436-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2436-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2436-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2436-1 is at 2:09 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 2:09 PM and will arrive on OLD:2436-1 at 2:44 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2436-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2436-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2436-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2436-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2511-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2511-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2511-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2511-1 is at 2:14 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 2:14 PM and will arrive on OLD:2511-1 at 2:49 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2511-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2511-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2511-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2511-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2674-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2674-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2674-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2674-1 is at 2:14 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 2:14 PM and will arrive on OLD:2674-1 at 2:38 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2674-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2674-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2674-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2674-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2133-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2133-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Patsaouras Transit Plaza

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2133-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2133-1 is at 2:15 PM boarding at Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 2:15 PM and will arrive on OLD:2133-1 at 2:41 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2133-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2133-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2133-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2133-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2586-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2586-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2586-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2586-1 is at 2:19 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 2:19 PM and will arrive on OLD:2586-1 at 3:11 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2586-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2586-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2586-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2586-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2689-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2689-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2689-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2689-1 is at 2:19 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 2:19 PM and will arrive on OLD:2689-1 at 2:43 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2689-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2689-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2689-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2689-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1849-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1849-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1849-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1849-1 is at 2:29 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 2:29 PM and will arrive on OLD:1849-1 at 3:21 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1849-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1849-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1849-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1849-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1911-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1911-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1911-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1911-1 is at 2:34 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 2:34 PM and will arrive on OLD:1911-1 at 3:26 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1911-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1911-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1911-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1911-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1986-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1986-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1986-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1986-1 is at 2:39 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 2:39 PM and will arrive on OLD:1986-1 at 3:31 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1986-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1986-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1986-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1986-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2061-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2061-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2061-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2061-1 is at 2:44 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 2:44 PM and will arrive on OLD:2061-1 at 3:36 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2061-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2061-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2061-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2061-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2764-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2764-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2764-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2764-1 is at 2:44 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 2:44 PM and will arrive on OLD:2764-1 at 3:08 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2764-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2764-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2764-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2764-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2134-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2134-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2134-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2134-1 is at 2:49 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 2:49 PM and will arrive on OLD:2134-1 at 3:41 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2134-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2134-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2134-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2134-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2784-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2784-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2784-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2784-1 is at 2:49 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 2:49 PM and will arrive on OLD:2784-1 at 3:13 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2784-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2784-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2784-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2784-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2212-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2212-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2212-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2212-1 is at 2:54 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 2:54 PM and will arrive on OLD:2212-1 at 3:46 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2212-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2212-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2212-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2212-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2287-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2287-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2287-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2287-1 is at 2:59 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 2:59 PM and will arrive on OLD:2287-1 at 3:34 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2287-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2287-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2287-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2287-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2362-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2362-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2362-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2362-1 is at 3:04 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 3:04 PM and will arrive on OLD:2362-1 at 3:39 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2362-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2362-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2362-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2362-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2437-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2437-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2437-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2437-1 is at 3:09 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 3:09 PM and will arrive on OLD:2437-1 at 4:01 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2437-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2437-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2437-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2437-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2512-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2512-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2512-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2512-1 is at 3:14 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 3:14 PM and will arrive on OLD:2512-1 at 4:06 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2512-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2512-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2512-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2512-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2587-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2587-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2587-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2587-1 is at 3:19 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 3:19 PM and will arrive on OLD:2587-1 at 4:11 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2587-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2587-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2587-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2587-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1755-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1755-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1755-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1755-1 is at 3:24 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 3:24 PM and will arrive on OLD:1755-1 at 4:16 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1755-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1755-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1755-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1755-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1850-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1850-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1850-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1850-1 is at 3:29 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 3:29 PM and will arrive on OLD:1850-1 at 4:04 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1850-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1850-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1850-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1850-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1912-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1912-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1912-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1912-1 is at 3:34 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 3:34 PM and will arrive on OLD:1912-1 at 4:09 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1912-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1912-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1912-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1912-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2739-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2739-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2739-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2739-1 is at 3:34 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 3:34 PM and will arrive on OLD:2739-1 at 3:58 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2739-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2739-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2739-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2739-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1987-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1987-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1987-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1987-1 is at 3:39 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 3:39 PM and will arrive on OLD:1987-1 at 4:31 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1987-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1987-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1987-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1987-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2754-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2754-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2754-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2754-1 is at 3:39 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 3:39 PM and will arrive on OLD:2754-1 at 4:03 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2754-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2754-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2754-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2754-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2062-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2062-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2062-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2062-1 is at 3:44 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 3:44 PM and will arrive on OLD:2062-1 at 4:36 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2062-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2062-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2062-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2062-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2135-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2135-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2135-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2135-1 is at 3:49 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 3:49 PM and will arrive on OLD:2135-1 at 4:24 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2135-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2135-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2135-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2135-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2213-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2213-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2213-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2213-1 is at 3:54 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 3:54 PM and will arrive on OLD:2213-1 at 4:29 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2213-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2213-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2213-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2213-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2288-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2288-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2288-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2288-1 is at 3:59 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 3:59 PM and will arrive on OLD:2288-1 at 4:51 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2288-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2288-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2288-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2288-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2363-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2363-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2363-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2363-1 is at 4:04 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:04 PM and will arrive on OLD:2363-1 at 4:56 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2363-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2363-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2363-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2363-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2644-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2644-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2644-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2644-1 is at 4:04 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:04 PM and will arrive on OLD:2644-1 at 4:28 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2644-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2644-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2644-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2644-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2438-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2438-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2438-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2438-1 is at 4:09 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 4:09 PM and will arrive on OLD:2438-1 at 4:44 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2438-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2438-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2438-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2438-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2659-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2659-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2659-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2659-1 is at 4:09 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:09 PM and will arrive on OLD:2659-1 at 4:33 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2659-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2659-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2659-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2659-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2513-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2513-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2513-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2513-1 is at 4:14 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:14 PM and will arrive on OLD:2513-1 at 5:06 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2513-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2513-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2513-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2513-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2588-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2588-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2588-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2588-1 is at 4:19 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 4:19 PM and will arrive on OLD:2588-1 at 4:54 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2588-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2588-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2588-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2588-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1756-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1756-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1756-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1756-1 is at 4:24 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:24 PM and will arrive on OLD:1756-1 at 5:16 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1756-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1756-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1756-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1756-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2699-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2699-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2699-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2699-1 is at 4:24 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:24 PM and will arrive on OLD:2699-1 at 4:48 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2699-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2699-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2699-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2699-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1851-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1851-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1851-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1851-1 is at 4:29 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:29 PM and will arrive on OLD:1851-1 at 5:21 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1851-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1851-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1851-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1851-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2719-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2719-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2719-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2719-1 is at 4:29 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:29 PM and will arrive on OLD:2719-1 at 4:53 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2719-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2719-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2719-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2719-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1913-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1913-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1913-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1913-1 is at 4:34 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:34 PM and will arrive on OLD:1913-1 at 5:26 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1913-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1913-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1913-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1913-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1988-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1988-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1988-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1988-1 is at 4:39 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Ramirez St & Vignes at 4:39 PM and will arrive on OLD:1988-1 at 5:14 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1988-1?

The bus traveling length is around 35m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1988-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1988-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1988-1 Ramirez St & Vignes.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2063-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2063-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2063-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2063-1 is at 4:44 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:44 PM and will arrive on OLD:2063-1 at 5:36 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2063-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2063-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2063-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2063-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2769-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2769-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2769-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2769-1 is at 4:44 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:44 PM and will arrive on OLD:2769-1 at 5:08 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2769-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2769-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2769-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2769-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2136-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2136-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2136-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2136-1 is at 4:49 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:49 PM and will arrive on OLD:2136-1 at 5:41 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2136-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2136-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2136-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2136-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2214-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2214-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2214-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2214-1 is at 4:54 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:54 PM and will arrive on OLD:2214-1 at 5:46 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2214-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2214-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2214-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2214-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2799-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2799-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2799-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2799-1 is at 4:54 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:54 PM and will arrive on OLD:2799-1 at 5:18 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2799-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2799-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2799-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2799-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2289-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2289-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2289-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2289-1 is at 4:59 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 4:59 PM and will arrive on OLD:2289-1 at 5:51 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2289-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2289-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2289-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2289-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2364-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2364-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2364-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2364-1 is at 5:04 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:04 PM and will arrive on OLD:2364-1 at 5:56 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2364-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2364-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2364-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2364-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2439-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2439-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2439-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2439-1 is at 5:09 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:09 PM and will arrive on OLD:2439-1 at 6:01 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2439-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2439-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2439-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2439-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2514-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2514-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2514-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2514-1 is at 5:14 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:14 PM and will arrive on OLD:2514-1 at 6:06 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2514-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2514-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2514-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2514-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2679-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2679-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Ramirez St & Vignes

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2679-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2679-1 is at 5:14 PM boarding at Ramirez St & Vignes.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:14 PM and will arrive on OLD:2679-1 at 5:38 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2679-1?

The bus traveling length is around 24m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2679-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2679-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2679-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2589-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2589-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2589-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2589-1 is at 5:19 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:19 PM and will arrive on OLD:2589-1 at 6:11 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2589-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2589-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2589-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2589-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1757-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1757-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1757-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1757-1 is at 5:24 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:24 PM and will arrive on OLD:1757-1 at 6:16 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1757-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1757-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1757-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1757-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1852-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1852-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1852-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1852-1 is at 5:29 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:29 PM and will arrive on OLD:1852-1 at 6:28 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1852-1?

The bus traveling length is around 59m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1852-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1852-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1852-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1914-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1914-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1914-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1914-1 is at 5:34 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:34 PM and will arrive on OLD:1914-1 at 6:26 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1914-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1914-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1914-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1914-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1989-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1989-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1989-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1989-1 is at 5:39 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:39 PM and will arrive on OLD:1989-1 at 6:31 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1989-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1989-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1989-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1989-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2064-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2064-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2064-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2064-1 is at 5:44 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Patsaouras Transit Plaza at 5:44 PM and will arrive on OLD:2064-1 at 6:10 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2064-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2064-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2064-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2064-1 Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2137-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2137-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2137-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2137-1 is at 5:49 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:49 PM and will arrive on OLD:2137-1 at 6:41 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2137-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2137-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2137-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2137-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2215-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2215-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2215-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2215-1 is at 5:54 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 5:54 PM and will arrive on OLD:2215-1 at 6:46 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2215-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2215-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2215-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2215-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2290-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2290-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2290-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2290-1 is at 5:59 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Patsaouras Transit Plaza at 5:59 PM and will arrive on OLD:2290-1 at 6:25 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2290-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2290-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2290-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2290-1 Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2365-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2365-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2365-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2365-1 is at 6:04 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:04 PM and will arrive on OLD:2365-1 at 6:56 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2365-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2365-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2365-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2365-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2515-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2515-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2515-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2515-1 is at 6:19 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Patsaouras Transit Plaza at 6:19 PM and will arrive on OLD:2515-1 at 6:45 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2515-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2515-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2515-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2515-1 Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:1915-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:1915-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:1915-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:1915-1 is at 6:34 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd) at 6:34 PM and will arrive on OLD:1915-1 at 7:26 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:1915-1?

The bus traveling length is around 52m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:1915-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:1915-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:1915-1 Grand Blue Line Station(Grand Ave & Washington Blvd).

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2138-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2138-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2138-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2138-1 is at 6:49 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Patsaouras Transit Plaza at 6:49 PM and will arrive on OLD:2138-1 at 7:15 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2138-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2138-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2138-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2138-1 Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

DASH Downtown D full details to OLD:2366-1 on 2025-02-07

Which are DASH Downtown D bus stations?

For this bus trip heading to OLD:2366-1, there are the following options of departure stations.

Board at:

  • Olive & Washington

When is the first and last bus DASH Downtown D to OLD:2366-1?

The first bus time heading to OLD:2366-1 is at 7:04 PM boarding at Olive & Washington.

The last bus on the day leaves from Patsaouras Transit Plaza at 7:04 PM and will arrive on OLD:2366-1 at 7:30 PM.

How long it takes travelling through OLD:2366-1?

The bus traveling length is around 26m.

With all the above mentioned boarding options going to OLD:2366-1 on 2025-02-07, choose between 1 bus schedules.

One of them will take you through all OLD:2366-1.

Moreover, get off the bus at OLD:2366-1 Patsaouras Transit Plaza.

How much is LADOT DASH Downtown D bus ticket price?

DASH Downtown D fares vary by time of day and the distance between stations.

Depending on your trip length, the price will vary.

DASH Downtown D ticket prices also will vary on peak and off-peak hours.

DASH Downtown D related lines