eventSat, 23 November
directions_busGardner-OP Express
- 5:48 AMon 7th st at minnesota nb
- 5:50 AMon 7th at central southbound
- 5:51 AMon 7th at kansas southbound
- 6:29 AMon new century at 159th st southbound farside
- 6:30 AMon new century at lenexa parkway southbound ns
- 6:31 AMon new century at prairie village dr northbound
- 6:32 AMon new century at leawood southbound farside
- 6:33 AMon new century at stone creek southbound nearside
- 6:35 AMon main at moonlight westbound farside
- 6:37 AMon main at mulberry westbound farside
- 6:38 AMon center between main and park soutbound fs
- 6:40 AMon center at grand/apache southbound farside
- 6:41 AMon center at 183rd st southbound nearside
- 6:43 AMon gardner road at w 188th southbound nearside
- 6:45 AMon montrose at 191st soutbound farside
- 6:46 AMon montrose at amazon southbound nearside
- 6:48 AMon waverly at 196th st northbound
- 6:53 AMon 187th at kill creek westbound
- 6:55 AMon kill creek at 191st southbound
- 7:00 AMon essex at 193rd st southbound
- vehicle continues on to 7:00 am - 8:28 am 595 - gardner-op express/pershing & main