eventSun, 08 December
- vehicle continues on from 5:56 am - 7:14 am to catalan tc via forest park
- 7:32 AMcatalan transit center
- 7:32 AMmarceau @ broadway wb
- 7:33 AMmarceau @ minnesota nb
- 7:34 AMgermania @ alabama nb
- 7:35 AMgermania @ primm nb
- 7:36 AMgermania @ eugene nb
- 7:37 AM3909 germania nb
- 7:38 AMgermania @ sharp nb
- 7:39 AMgermania @ morganford nb
- 7:40 AMgermania @ primm nb
- 7:40 AMgermania @ allemania nb
- 7:41 AMgermania @ stolle nb
- 7:42 AMhampton @ gravois nb
- 7:42 AMhampton @ parkview nb
- 7:44 AMhampton @ robert nb
- 7:44 AMhampton @ loughborough nb
- 7:45 AMhampton @ holly hills nb
- 7:46 AMhampton @ milentz nb
- 7:46 AMhampton @ eichelberger nb
- 7:47 AMhampton @ delor nb
- 7:48 AMhampton @ nottingham nb
- 7:48 AMhampton @ devonshire nb
- 7:49 AMhampton @ sutherland nb
- 7:49 AMhampton @ chippewa nb
- 7:50 AMhampton @ chippewa nb
- 7:50 AMhampton @ mardel nb
- 7:50 AMhampton @ pernod nb
- 7:51 AMhampton @ marquette nb
- 7:52 AMhampton @ fyler nb
- 7:53 AMhampton @ scanlan nb
- 7:54 AMhampton @ arsenal nb
- 7:54 AMhampton @ southwest nb
- 7:54 AMhampton @ reber place nb
- 7:55 AMhampton @ columbia nb
- 7:56 AMhampton @ elizabeth nb
- 7:57 AMhampton @ wilson nb
- 7:57 AM1900 hampton nb
- 7:58 AMhampton @ lloyd nb
- 7:59 AMhampton @ park nb
- 8:00 AMhampton @ crescent nb
- 8:01 AMhampton @ clayton nb
- 8:02 AMconcourse @ washington nb
- 8:04 AMfine arts @ st. louis zoo nb
- 8:05 AMfine arts @ art museum nb
- 8:07 AMlagoon @ grand basin eb
- 8:09 AMgrand @ history museum nb
- 8:11 AMdebaliviere ave @ forest park metrolink nb
- 8:12 AMdebaliviere @ kingsbury place nb
- 8:13 AMdebaliviere @ debaliviere garage nb
- 8:14 AMgoodfellow @ delmar nb
- 8:16 AMgoodfellow @ cabanne nb
- 8:17 AMgoodfellow @ maple nb
- 8:18 AMgoodfellow @ bartmer nb
- 8:19 AMgoodfellow @ etzel nb
- 8:19 AMgoodfellow @ julian nb
- 8:20 AMgoodfellow @ page nb
- 8:22 AMgoodfellow @ ridge nb
- 8:24 AMgoodfellow @ dr ml king nb
- 8:25 AMgoodfellow @ lotus nb
- 8:25 AMgoodfellow @ highland nb
- 8:25 AMgoodfellow @ kennerly nb
- 8:26 AMgoodfellow @ terry nb
- 8:27 AMgoodfellow @ st. louis nb
- 8:27 AMgoodfellow @ greer nb
- 8:28 AMgoodfellow @ selber court nb
- 8:29 AMgoodfellow @ natural bridge nb
- 8:30 AMgoodfellow @ lincoln way nb
- 8:32 AMgoodfellow @ federal center nb
- 8:33 AMgoodfellow @ stratford nb
- 8:34 AMgoodfellow @ amelia nb
- 8:34 AMgoodfellow @ lillian nb
- 8:35 AMgoodfellow @ lalite nb
- 8:36 AMgoodfellow @ lucille nb
- 8:37 AMgoodfellow @ emma nb
- 8:37 AMgoodfellow @ lena nb
- 8:39 AMgoodfellow @ west florissant nb
- 8:40 AMgoodfellow @ switzer nb
- 8:40 AMmclaran @ oxford eb
- 8:41 AMmclaran @ mora eb
- 8:41 AMmclaran @ drury eb
- 8:42 AMmclaran @ tara eb
- 8:42 AMmclaran @ riverview eb
- 8:43 AMmclaran @ sells eb
- 8:43 AMmclaran @ newby eb
- 8:44 AMhalls ferry @ newby nb
- 8:44 AMhalls ferry @ veronica nb
- 8:45 AMhalls ferry @ hornsby nb
- 8:46 AMhalls ferry @ halls ferry circle nb
- 8:46 AMriverview @ halls ferry circle eb
- 8:47 AMriverview @ newby eb
- 8:47 AMriverview @ jordan eb
- 8:48 AMriverview @ broadway eb
- 8:48 AMriverview @ broadway eb
- 8:50 AMriverview-hall transit center
- vehicle continues on to 9:02 am - 10:20 am to catalan tc via forest park