eventWed, 20 November
directions_bus107 - Crest Plaza-Hanover Ave
- vehicle continues on from 6:50 am - 7:37 am to broad&guetter
- arrive: guetter&broad
- 7:47 AMdepart: guetter&broad
- 7:48 AMbroad&2ndw
- 7:48 AMbroad&4thw
- 7:49 AMbroad&6thw
- 7:49 AMbroad&8thw
- 7:49 AMbroad&10thw
- 7:50 AMbroad&12thw
- 7:50 AMbroad&14thw
- 7:51 AMbroad&16thw
- 7:51 AMbroad&highlandw
- 7:51 AMbroad&pennaw
- 7:52 AMbroad&cambridgw
- 7:52 AMbroad&keystonew
- 7:53 AMbroad&grandviww
- 7:53 AMhanover&wahnetw
- 7:54 AMhanover&ulsterw
- 7:54 AMhanover&shermaw
- 7:55 AMhanover&quebecw
- 7:55 AMhanover&plymotw
- 7:56 AMhanover&maxwelw
- 7:56 AMhanover&kiowaw
- 7:56 AMhanover&jasperw
- 7:57 AMhanover&irvingw
- 7:57 AMhanover&gordonw
- 7:58 AMhanover&fenwckw
- 7:59 AMhanover&lindenw - overlook park
- 7:59 AMhanover&carlsew
- 8:00 AMhamilton&albertw
- 8:04 AMhamilton&2ndw
- 8:04 AMhamilton&racew
- 8:06 AMhamiltion&4thw
- 8:07 AMlinden&5thw
- 8:15 AMatc
- 8:16 AMlinden&8thw
- 8:17 AM8th&turnern
- 8:18 AMchew&9thw
- 8:19 AMchew&10thw
- 8:20 AMchew&11thw
- 8:20 AMchew&12thw
- 8:21 AMchew&13thw
- 8:22 AMchew&14thw
- 8:23 AMchew&15thw
- 8:24 AMchew&16thw
- 8:25 AMchew&17th
- 8:25 AM17thlvh-er-entn
- 8:25 AM17th&libertyw
- 8:26 AMallen&17thw
- 8:26 AMtilghman&18thw
- 8:27 AMtilghman&19thw
- 8:27 AMtilghman&20thw
- 8:28 AMtilghman&21stw
- 8:28 AMtilghman&22ndw
- 8:29 AMtlghmn&23rdw
- 8:29 AMtlghmn&24thw
- 8:29 AMtlghmn&25thw
- 8:30 AMtlghmn&ottw
- 8:31 AMtlghmn&28thw
- 8:31 AMtlghmn&29thw
- 8:32 AMtlghmn&30thw
- 8:32 AMtlghmn&cdr_crstw
- 8:33 AMcdr_crest&washingtonn
- 8:33 AMcdr_crest&greenleafn
- 8:33 AMcdr_crest&livingstonn
- 8:34 AMcdr_crest&highlandn
- 8:34 AMcdr_crest&penan
- 8:35 AMcdr_crest&fairn
- 8:36 AMwinchestercedarcrestweismkt
- 8:37 AMwinchester&pnds
- 8:37 AMpnd&spng_pro_ctn
- 8:37 AMpond&walbertn
- 8:38 AMwalbert&cedarcreste
- 8:39 AMwalbert&offices
- 8:39 AMoffice_rd&walbertw
- 8:39 AMroma corporate center
- 8:40 AMcdr_crest&apples
- 8:41 AMcdr_crest&edinbs
- 8:41 AMcdr_crest&oxfords
- 8:41 AMcdr_crest&highls
- 8:42 AMcdr_crest&trexrs
- 8:42 AMcdr_crest&greens
- 8:42 AMcdr_crest&washis
- 8:44 AMvillage_west
- vehicle continues on to 8:52 am - 9:36 am to broad&guetter